The silent menace that gum disease poses is a significant threat to our dental well-being, as it often goes unnoticed until the later stages, leading to irreversible damage. As a responsible advocate of your oral health, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of periodontal disease. By recognizing the signs of potential gum disease, you can seek professional intervention from our dentists and team, who can help preserve your beautiful smile for years to come.

  1. Continuous Bad Breath: One of the earliest indicators of periodontal disease is persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis. This unpleasant odor occurs due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth, causing inflammation and irritation of the gums. If regular oral hygiene practices fail to alleviate the issue, it’s essential to consult a dentist promptly.
  2. Bleeding Gums: If your gums bleed easily during brushing or flossing, it could be a sign of gingivitis, the initial stage of periodontal disease. They may also appear inflamed, swollen or red instead of a healthy pink.
  3. Gum Recession: As periodontal disease progresses, you may observe your gums pulling away from your teeth, leading to gum recession. This exposes the tooth roots and weakens their support, making teeth susceptible to decay and tooth loss.
  4. Sensitive Teeth: Do your teeth feel more sensitive than usual, especially to hot and cold temperatures? Receding gums can expose the sensitive tooth roots, causing discomfort and heightened sensitivity.
  5. Loose or Shifting Teeth: In advanced stages of periodontitis, the supporting bone and tissues may deteriorate, causing teeth to become loose or shift in position. This can significantly impact your bite and overall oral function.

Periodontal disease is a progressive condition that demands timely attention and professional care. Do not hesitate to schedule regular dental check-ups with Dr. Thomas Dix, Dr. James McGee or Dr. Pooya Hoseinzadeh to ensure early detection and effective management of any oral health concerns. Call 770-732-8374 to schedule your visit today, where we can educate you more on the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease in Austell, Georgia.